Downloads - Surgery 2 (Updated Dec 29th, 2010)
Alright, here's some material downloads for the Surgery.It's not much different from the Surgery Downloads in Year 3, apart from the fact that I'd wish to separate them for easier indexing. Here is where I'll include any new materials from our Year 5 2010/2011 postings. Hope that we'll be getting materials from other postings as well. :)
*There are empty ones without any links, as we weren't given the ppt by the group. We do hope that there will be kind fellow unimates who would help to contribute to the list. :)
Link to Year 3 Surgery Posting Downloads
*All links are internal unless stated otherwise (in italics & bracket)
Group 4's Seminar Material
- ABC in Abdominal Trauma Dec 29th, 2010(credits to Jeffrey) - RECOMMENDED READ
Download Link: | Mediafire | |
Seminar Materials
- Acute AbdomenDownload Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Overview on Upper GI BleedingDownload Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- ABC in Chest Trauma
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Management of Patients With Obstructive Jaundice
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Common Vascular Condition
Download Link: Sendspace | 4Shared | Mediafire | - Common Urological ConditionDownload Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- ABC in Abdominal Trauma
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Common Peadiatrics Condition
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Common Neurological Condition/ Head Injury
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Common Conditions in Breast and Thyroid Diseases
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Overview on Lower GI Bleed (by Mr Imtiaz)
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | | - Skin Cancer
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | | - Burns and Tissue Reconstruction (~20+ MB)
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | | - Breast and Thyroid Imaging
Download Link: Sendspace | 4shared | Mediafire | |
- Acute Pancreatitis (reading as recommended by Izzati Rani & Masyitah Md Radzi)
- Short Case: Stoma Examination (Medik UKM)
3 referrals:
The link for seminar on management of patient with obstructive jaundice is not function..can you pls give us new link..really need it.tq:)
Hi Nurul,
I wished I could provide you with the file, but I did not manage to obtain the powerpoint for this topic due to some minor problems. Hope you could proceed with a better one, and perhaps help to provide this site with a new one? n_n"
download link for Common Peadiatrics Condition is unclickable... can any1 fix this pls?
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