Anal Fissure

Anal fissure is a tear in the anal mucosa. Often, it produces sharp pain while defecating, but in certain cases, it may not be painful at all. One obvious feature of anal fissure is the fact that you can see fresh blood outside of the stool or on the toilet tissue following a bowel movement. Be aware that 'fresh' here points towards bright red blood, which is not admixed in the stool. Darker red to brownish blood admixed into the stool would indicate intestinal or colorectal bleeding.

Anal fissures are extremely common in young infants but may occur at any age. Studies suggest 80% of infants will have had an anal fissure by the end of the first year. Most fissures heal on their own and do not require treatment, aside from good diaper hygiene. However, some fissures may require medical treatment.

Anal fissures usually occur when the anal mucosa are overstretched beyond its limits. Most anal fissures which happens suddenly (acute) will heal spontaneously over time, taking up to 2 weeks on average. However, some fissures may not heal as it turns chronic, as a result of spasm of internal anal sphincter muscle. This spasm deprive blood supply to the anal mucosa, thus producing an ischemic ulcer.

Fissures occur more commonly in infants (constipation), adults (constipation, passing of large hard stools, or by prolonged diarrhea) and postpartum women.(after childbirth)

Anal fissure is best treated with normal precautions. Firstly, drink more fluid to rehydrate yourself and prevent constipation. At the same time, soft stools would be able to pass through your bowels without aggravating the injury caused by anal fissure. The same applies to consuming more fruits and vegetables.

If the anal fissure still persists, try consulting a doctor for topical ointments or any other anesthetic if it hurts too much. Sitz bath is also recommended. A sitz bath is a warm water bath used for healing or cleansing purposes. You sit in the bath. The water covers only the hips and buttocks. The water may contain medication.

Please be aware that no scope should be done at the anal or rectal area when the anal fissure is still there. However, a scope should be done when the anal fissure has healed to investigate for any underlying cause of the anal fissure.

The principles of prevention focuses on avoid the irritation of the rectum and anal mucosa. Among the precautions that should be taken are:
  • Keep the anal area dry
  • Wipe with soft materials or a moistened cloth or cotton pad
  • Promptly treat any constipation or diarrhea
  • Avoid straining while defecating
  • Avoid caffeine (as it can increase constipation)

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Ibnu Sina

This is a brief description of the Ibnu Sinal facility center in KTDI:

Facility Center of KTDI - Ibnu Sina

While this building looks small, it is actually small. However, this building has 3 floors which accommodate the students staying inside KTDI.

Ibnu Sina Hall

Discussion room and Guy's Recreational Room

Inside recreational room

Kak Ros Photostat Shop and Ai Dot Com Cyber Cafe

Mak Yong Cafe (Previously was Wahid Cafe)
Mak Yong Cafe (Previously was Wahid Cafe)
Mak Yong Cafe (Previously was Wahid Cafe)
Grocery shop
Grocery shop

On the ground floor, there is a reading lounge on the right. Newspapers can be seen there, although I'm not sure they are provided by KTDI or purchased by the students. Further inside, there are a photocopy shop, a cyber cafe (Ai Dot Com), a Mini Gym (locked at that moment), a male recreational room, two small multi-purpose hall and a JAKSA meeting room.

The 1st floor is where the cafeteria is located. There is a small grocery shop inside, and a small PERSIAP meeting room and the toilets are located there too. The female's recreational room is located on this floor.

The 2nd floor is where the KTDI office is located. If you do have any problems and enquiries, youll have to do that in this office. Do that that it operates during office hours.

Of course, for the Muslims, there is a surau for prayers, the al-Radzi surau. Below are a view of the interiors of the surau.

I hope this photo tour would be able to give a rough idea on how Ibnu Sina looks like. Don't worry too much, you'll get used to here very soon if you'd stay here for at least a week.

*Credits given to KTDi wordpress for some of the photos which are taken from there, especially those from the surau al-Radzi.

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KTDI Hostel Layout

The example shown is just a rough guide and the layout is not drawn to actual scale being an estimation instead. There are a few variations on the designs but it does not vary much. This layout given here is to give a general impression on how the hostel in KTDI looks like.

Basically, KTDI hostels are 4-storey buildings divided into 2 blocks, which house 1 apartment unit each. Each apartment unit has 4 rooms, so 4 students basically live in an apartment unit, sharing a common hall.

The entrance into common hallway

The view of common hallway from the sinkplace

The view of closet from Room 4

View of bed in Room 4

View of desk in Room 4 design (Refridgerator not included)



The corner spot at sink place. Washing machine not included as well.

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