Surgical Case Report

With the recent confusion, I would like to extend my apologies as I did not mention that the case write up template that I had put up is not for surgery posting, as surgery posting have a different format for their case write up. Please refer to the guidebook for your actual format as they should be the most accurate. Thank You.

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Warisan Mesra 2008/2009

With the coming soon freshies of med students, PERSIAP UKM is going to hold an inter-year bonding event for UKM medical students. Of course, this time, there will be a twist to the indoor and outdoor events. No more old sports game, we say, so here's a breakdown of what's in store for you medical students.

1.Decorative Motorcycle Contest

Is this decorative enough? :P

PES (Pro evolution soccer)
Is this soccer enough? (I'm not sure if it's indoor or outdoor. :P)


Is this enough to attract you?

So, to all medical students interested in participating in such events, please obtain the forms at the PERSIAP notice board or the KTDI block notice board starting from 1st of July 2008.

For enquiries, please contact:
Muhamad Hafis Asyraf- 0169126747
Nurul Huda Abdul Rahman- 0123282729
Nor Hafiza Ahmad- 0125348747

Deadline (Not dateline) for form submission would be on the 20th July 2008.

“Seketika bersama Ukhwah terjalin”

From : Warisan Mesra Organization 2008/2009

Source: PERSIAP Wordpress

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Surgery Instruments Photos - Downloads

For those who haven't really see the instruments used in Surgery, here's some photos uploaded in Microsoft Word format. It's not 100% complete as in named by the handouts given at the start of the semester.

CY (Stella)

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Medical Case Submission

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Written Report regarding the Recent Theft Incidents

The news on the theft that had happened recently in the hostel KTDI has been brought up in the recent JAKSA meeting for further action.

Apart from that, there are reports that there were males passing by the female's blocks at night. JAKSA KTDI is concern of the welfare and the safety of the residents in the hostel, thus they are taking it seriously and with concern.

Therefore, JAKSA KTDI is requesting for the residents of the hostel KTDI who had issues regarding the security to submit a WRITTEN REPORT so that the authority could take safety measures to tackle the problem.

You can contact the following personnel for more informatio or to submit your written report.

Mohd Rafi b Jamari

(Pengerusi Biro Keselamatan dan Tugas-Tugas Khas)

Contact number : 012-2198462


Nurul Aiman bt. Adnan

(Pengerusi Biro Hal Ehwal Siswi)

Contact number : 012-3648784

Please be reminded that written report is very important for security measures to be effectively enforced.

Source: KTDI UKM Wordpress

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BPH Lecture by Prof Zul

Hey guys, I've uploaded the soft copy for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia lecture by Prof Zulkifli. It's a zipped up version with a slight modification of the slides' photos to save space. You know, there's 100+ slides there. A few less slides does make that tiny bit of difference. So, here you go!

Source - Zoi, at PERSIAP
File reconfiguration - YM

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Looking for AJK for Ai Dot Com 08/09

Interested? Application form can be obtained from Ai Dot Com shop, where the "Out" envelope is located. It s next to the Kak Ros photocopy shop.

Deadline for application: 22nd June 2008

Source: KTDI Wordpress

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Finger Clubbing Revealed!!

Finger clubbing is always an essential sign in clinical skills that sometimes, we medical students tend to forget the very reason of why we do it. There are of course, many causes of finger clubbing, ranging from lungs, heart, liver, hyperthyroidism to gastrointestinal diseases, although there may be few idiopathic cases as well. The range was too wide that sometimes, the sign had became of not a sign. What on earth could so many conditions have in common? However, what concerns the medical world is the sign of finger clubbing may indicates the presence of lung cancer. What now some researchers in Leeds had found out, at least could explain for the presence of finger clubbing in lung and heart diseases.
The 101 causes

The researchers found clues in the medical literature, detailing past cases and previous research. "We knew that in cystic fibrosis patients who have undergone a lung transplant, their finger clubbing goes away. The same goes for empyema patients who have had their lungs drained. It suggested that impaired lung function was somehow crucial to finger clubbing - but we didn't understand how.

Their findings implicated a fatty compound called PGE2, which is produced naturally by the body to mediate the effects of internal inflammation. Crucially, once it has done its work, PGE2 is broken down by an enzyme 15-HPGD, produced in the lungs. The patients followed by the Leeds study were found to have a genetic mutation which prevented the production of 15-HPGD, reulting in up to ten times as much of the PGE2 in their systems.

"If you don't have this enzyme the PGE2 isn't broken down normally and simply builds up," said Bonthron, whose findings are published online this week in Nature Genetics.

In lung cancer patients, it is most likely overproduction of PGE2 by the tumour that causes the clubbing. In congenital heart disease, blood bypasses the lungs, where PGE2 is normally broken down by 15-HPGD.

The researchers have suggested that a straightforward urine test for levels of PGE2 may be a useful first step in the diagnosis of individuals with unexplained clubbing, and to understanding whether it is the symptom of something far more serious.

The results also suggest that existing drugs such as aspirin, which are already used to prevent PGE2 production, may be effective in reducing the painful symptoms of finger clubbing.

Now, at least we get to impress our friends with that eh? Make good use of that piece of information. It might came in handy just to impress your lecturers as well. :P

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UKM Idol 2008

Anyone interested to join? :P

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