First Stage Ward

This is the ward operating on weekdays’ “office hours” (Check the time in front of First Stage Ward). Located on the first floor (if not mistaken), patients generally with low risk in their first stage of labor are being sent here before to labor ward. (For further admission criteria and policies, refer to the UKM Handbook of Labor Room Practice ) Generally, you can take care of the patients here and follow them to the Labor Ward once they reach the second stage of labor. ( Please be well versed with your stages of labor, otherwise you’ll be handed a scolding from anyone in the O&G department.)

Other venues:
  1. O&G Department Office
  2. O&G Clinics
  3. O&G Wards
  4. The Labor Ward
  5. O&G Operating Theatre
  6. First Stage Ward
  7. OGAC (Obs and Gybe Admission Center)
  8. Colposcopy room

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