The O&G Clinic

Clinic days vary for different wards, so get to know when is your clinic day. From here, you’ll get to tag along with your supervisor and learn from them. Sometimes, this is the only time for your teaching from your supervisors as they can get rather busy. The clinic is located on the ground floor, the same level as the OGAC. As a medical personnel, you can get to the “back lane” of the clinics by passing through the OGAC, along with many entry points. Sometimes there are Obs cases, and sometimes there are gyne cases. You may be able to take history from patients of new cases if your supervisor allows you to. Again, the experience is different for students from each supervisor, so you’ll have to find out yourself or ask from seniors who had been under your supervisor before.

On Fridays, you can come here for the family planning clinic. This is very patients are advised and counselled on the different contraceptive methods offered. This may vary from IUCD, Implanon to OCP’s. Make sure you are well versed with the contraceptive methods available, its indication, advantages and side effects. You can also observe some procedures such as Implanon insertion if it is preferred by the patient.

Other venues:
  1. O&G Department Office
  2. O&G Clinics
  3. O&G Wards
  4. The Labor Ward
  5. O&G Operating Theatre
  6. First Stage Ward
  7. OGAC (Obs and Gybe Admission Center)
  8. Colposcopy room

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